Thursday, September 30, 2010

After the Rain...

First rain of the season and already the air is full of fresh aroma. My grandparents and I drove down the streets of Temecula this evening after a mexicana dinner and I stuck my head partially out the window inhaling the smells of wet pavement, wild sage, damp sycamore maples, and a hint of eucalyptus. I felt like a hound dog with his nose sky high trying to suck in all the many new and curious smells of the world in one breath. Even though Temecula was once the proverbial agrarian town of the golden era, the California housing boom in the 1990's did not completely stifle the natural fragrance of the land. The eucalyptus was a nice surprise. Some of my favorite smells I have discovered include lemon grass, lavender, basil, and of course eucalyptus. I love how we were created with five senses! I find it enthralling that one can have a multi-sensorial experience. Just imagine. You are walking along the shoreline barefoot. You feel the cold wet sand give way to your footsteps as you feel the frigid wind whispering by your ear, which turns into shrill whistles. You see the golden rays melting against the sky at twilight and the white foamy water reaching up to grab hold of the dripping sandcastle that is now turning into a gothic cathedral. The air smells clean and crisp and the faint taste of salt is upon your lips. Wouldn't life be dull without all these avenues of feeling? After the rain falls, the earth is cleansed, freshness is restored, and new life springs up. With all the crime, hatred, and ugliness in the world....Life, to me, is still beautiful. Vita bella.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kindred Spirits

"True friends are always together in spirit." ~ Anne of Green Gables
I have discovered that I am starting to have an affinity for early mornings...although I am still coming out of my night-owl phase. Early mornings remind me of parts of Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea especially those scenic moments were you get a glimpse of the morning mist settling in beautiful rural Canada. I have often identified myself with the fiery/feisty redhead. Anne's character was opinionated, mischievous, stubborn, adventurous, kind, intelligent, loyal, and a hopeless romantic. In the TV/book series, Anne loved using the word kindred spirit when referring to her closest friends or those she felt a connection with. As a young girl I always wanted to have a best friend like Diana and spend many adventurous days in a gorgeous setting such as Prince Edward Island. I am blessed though. I have many friends whom I consider to be kindred spirits! I consider some of my best days spent with friends and family. Our family recently had company over for a dinner. I was delighted to help prepare the evening menu and I also carved out a watermelon to use as a punchbowl. After dinner we all gathered around telling jokes and then settled in the music room to play music together. I love that. I consider fellow musicians as kindred spirits. Someone I can summon and thus utilize their musical gifts is quite rare these days. Fortunately I have many friends and family who are just that. Music is such a huge part of my genetic, chemical, & biological make-up. (I plan to wax eloquent on that subject some other time). Growing up in a small town I had many friends but only few kindred spirits. I felt at times that no one really understood me because I was teased about liking Shakespeare and at times attempted to talk in a British accent (hey I like Monty python OK?!). I also felt that outside of my own family, I was probably one of the few people who felt emotionally invested in music. Yes, I admit some of my first CDs I ever bought as a teenie-bopper were from the vacuous Spice Girls and N'Sync (go justin timberlake....not!) but I have always adored listening to and playing classical music. In fact I'm listening to Beethoven's Pastorale Symphony right now! I consider a kindred spirit as someone who loves to travel and also have a grand ole' adventure. My parents, my church family, & Carnegie Hall via Dr. Rittenhouse have sponsored many of my excursions around the world to which I am indebted. I think my first big trip outside the country was to Ecuador in 2000 (sorry Mexico and Canada don't count as "BIG" trips). Other then that I've been on music tours to Great Britain, Africa, and several mission trips to other parts of the globe. The friends I have made from those experiences have stayed with me even to this day! Last month I was in Haiti helping out the impoverished through medical work, orphanage work, construction, & evangelistic meetings. We had such a great group and we all worked really well together...very supportive of one another. I definitely felt a connection with more than one person on that trip...which from past mission experiences is unusual for me. Singing hymns together in the tap-taps was such a joy, that for me, that spiritually musical experience strengthened our bond.
*Friendships and relationships in Christ seem to be more authentic, more fundamental, and frankly just better than friendships out of Christ. My friendships run deeper-much deeper with my Christian friends because we share a love for the Savior, for His word, and for His people. As kindred spirits, we share a basic world view...this is not dry uniformity but a genuine unity, unity in Christ.
During morning worships in Haiti while we were praying, singing, and fellowshipping, I sincerely felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I believe that as we grow through God's grace on the path to the straight and narrow, we can truly have a wonderful and meaningful worship experience that not only we can share with the Holy Spirit, but with our kindred spirits. It's a Wonderful Life!
*Asscherick D., Walking the Walk: The Christian Life